Saturday, 20 July 2013

Dazzling roads and Food for the bellies

Oh dazzling roads there-
The rich need for their shining cars!
Avaricious  to add more cars to their fleet
Their  greed yearns for more and more of money
With no limits to pile up
Greed breeds greed, greed grows greed

Oh there the food in the boiling pots-
The poor people yearn for  their starved bellies L
Their hunger knows not the taste
Or the hunger makes the food to taste like elixir
Hunger takes all - good, not so good and bad food
Depending on the level  of hunger

One towering empire is the rich’s wish
one well looked after belly is all the poor want
add some clothes to conceal their body
have some place to rest in the night

Rich one’s pets eat and enjoy more than
What the poor earn in their entire lives
Rich are  mountains
Poor are  deep valleys
Rich are sprawling palaces
Poor are tiny huts

Are the rich happy and poor unhappy?
Rich may not be happy
But the poor may be happy
Richness does not guarantee happiness
Poorness does not rule out happiness

It is difficult to climb the hills
But easy to roll down the slopes
Rich may become poor
Wealth is not forever and
not going with them when they leave their stay on Earth

Then why not the rich set aside
A portion to their poor brethren
Tend to them , feed them , upbring them?
They will sure get happiness
If only they see the smiling faces of the poor

Let there be dazzling roads
Forget not the bellies of the downtrodden
Let mountain paths lead to valleys
Letting the valleys get their share too

-Mohan Sanjeevan