I want to adorn her
with beautiful dresses
Best ornaments
She is beautiful I
want to make her look
More, more beautiful
to make her look
The most
beautiful gal in the world, universe
I want to gift her
the beautiful sarees
With matching
blouses, lovely chudithaars
Nice jeans and t
shirt, mini skirts,
Maxis, shorts and matching vests
Diamon necklace, gold
chain, ear studs
Radiant pearl chains
and what not
Why I do want to do
all these
I love her, love her
the most
She can wear some in
And she can wear some
in private
Just for my eyes as
some may not be
Very appropriate to
wear in public
Let me feast on them
When free, able to
catch her in private
Eye catching, lip
smacking, tasting
I owe it to her for
without her life
Would be very boring
,dull, drab
Thank God she is here
thrilling me
Making me feel loved,
inspiring me
I owe to her just not
things, my heart itself,Yea!