Billions and billions bulbed universe.
yet darkness pervades in between.
Black holes prowl. white and neutrons stars dance.
photons emitted on an endless journey.
Gamma ray, x-ray all abound.
Universe, the great universe!
Billions and billion eyes see the skies
Thousands and thousand telescopes scan the space
Million views spot the spectacles
Stars forming , stars dying
Galaxies spreading, lively blinking
Planets circling the stars
Moons circling the planets
Universe, the great universe!
Big bang sprawled the universe away
Bang’s remnants still on a journey
Journeying Photons carrying the initial images
Dark matter pushing the universe away and away
Anti-matter lurking to destroy the matter
Yet the universe surviving to tell the tale
It’s live story, ever expanding growth story
Universe , the great Universe!
Spectacles galore, yet the mysteries remain
Neutrinos, bosons, mesons, leptons ,quarks
The endless sub particles thrive
The mortals make out a few miss out a lot
Universe, the great Universe!
Grandeur Universe, mammoth universe
Our life time goes out before fathoming it , grasping it
Yet the Universe lives on as we fade away
Long live Universe, the great universe!
-Mohan Sanjeevan
Great poem, explains the universe. Keep up posting your poems and stories too.