Saturday, 13 April 2013

Star Party up above in Space!

What is up there in space?
It is all star party!
On going, never ending star party

Nebulae gather, nebulae ignite
Into star fusion, burning into radiant colors
sending the light speeding away
into the remote corners of the universe
on a journey into the void, matter and dark matter

Burning eternally that ends up in star explosion
Turning into white dwarf, neutron stars and black holes
Yea star forming, star burning, star exploding
Star collapsing star parties

Speeding X-rays, radio waves, cosmic rays
Carrying the sounds of big bang and bangs thereafter
As tell tales of all-time, all-space star parties

Stars form, stars die, stars reborn
Enacting the star parties
Look up, see, catch, enjoy!

-Mohan Sanjeevan

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