A revolution is in the offing
Science revolution in songs
An uprising in lyrics
Science will be there in my songs,
Pop out, crackle, stir, burst like fire crackers
Smashing rocket lift off,
Thrilling separation manoeuvres,
Exciting space travel
Dancing aurora borealis
Exhilarating star parties
Peep into the stars, galaxies, messier objects
Black holes, neutron stars, pulsars, quasars
Fast gamma ray bursts,
Indefatigable journey of photons, cosmic rays
The neutrino wonders
Mysteries of the universe
Dark matter, anti matter
Expanding universe, multi universe
Living on moon and mars
New propulsion systems to reach stars
Spotting exoplanets, searching for extra terrestrial life
All make the ingredients of an exciting song
Setting in a revolution, uprising in lyrics
Science sings, science dances , science makes merry
Thanks to science revolution gets going, rolling...
-Mohan Sanjeevan
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