Honey! All the days
are valentine days
My love for you is no
less intense
than on the valentine
day darling
It’s more on the days
of composing on you
On our love as it’s a
tribute to you, our love
Valentine day is just
another valentine day
You are no less
beautiful, your love never less
On the days other
than valentine day
Our mutual love makes
it special, so special
My composing on you
makes it that extra special
You appear indeed more
beautiful when I compose
Hitherto unfocussed
dimensions of your beauty
Hit me, egg me on to
recording them
The lines on you come
flooding in
Filling the blank
spaces in no time
We hug, kiss, hug
kiss all the time
In our free time,
making free the time
To be with each other
you and me in company
Savouring all that
you , you savouring all that me
All the time in the
world seems still insufficient!
Comparing any other
historic love
To our love Is just
unfair as ours is unique
Standing out as most
ideal endearing love
That makes the days,
day after day
Valentine day, our
love riproarious, yes!
-Mohan Sanjeevan
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