She sleeping on the flower bed
Sleeps in my heart so soft and cozy
So smooth and soothing
So much so the heart beats merrily
With no feel of
carrying her heavily
As I think of her she moves out of the heart
Materialising beside me in my bed
Lying with her arms over me embracing me
My arms around her in a cuddle
In moments of glory and bliss we stay
She lies in the bed as a flower
Her feel, touch and fragrance overpower
When she lies in flower bed the flowers are lucky
Strewn around her lying over, here I feel lucky
Having this flower right on my bed so tangy
It makes me work on forming a garden in the backyard
To spend time with here in real flower bed
Whenever feeling like it to enjoy the times
To prolong the fleeting pleasure moments
Into hours, days , weeks,months ,years, yay!
-Mohan Sanjeevan
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