Thursday, 2 October 2014

Where waves meet the shores

Winds gusting, striking the waters
In the far off distance sea churns
Swelling, swirling, surging forward
Frothing, seething, surfing ahead
Waves come rushing towards the shores

Flowing head long as if to climb the shores
Performing a little jump dance on the shores
Producing a ‘whosh’ ‘whosh’ music
They shrink and retrace deep into the oceans
To come back again for their tryst with the shores

Winds never ease, waves never cease too
Journey to shores , journey back deep into the seas
Is the on going story of waves and the oceans
Unmindful of watchers or no watchers on shores
Reminding the ups and downs of a life cycle

Waves are a joy bathing the beach-lovers feet
Dissolving the sand castles built on the shores
Washing away the letters etched on the sands
Waves are yet a warning signal to the dangers
Lurking ahead deep into the seas, make no mistakes!

Enjoy the waves, shun the dangers
Be there where waves meet the shores
Over today, over next day, over all days
Waves are forever, waves are yours
Stand back, stand in, take care, enjoy!

-Mohan Sanjeevan

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