Sunday, 1 March 2015



Photographery,hmmm? Is this not what is in your mind
Curious to know what it is?Hey! I got you right!
Well, it is photography!  Yea dears!
Here is how photography came to be photographery
In a sight-seeing bus in my first visit to the historic city
A guide traveled to explain who was that king
Who ruled in which year on seeing forts, monuments
Authentic or not he provided something to chew on travel

Aside from a guide he was also a photographer
Announcing that the place is good for photographery!
He kept saying that till the end of the journey that the word
Got struck with me still after many many days

Announcing that the bus will stop at historic sight points
For half an hour, one hour he also took photographs
For those who didn’t carry cameras but still interested in pics
He took the pictures of me too capturing me real nice

When the bus reached the drop point after the trip
The pictures had come processed to me in the bus.Wow!
A magical photographery clicked,finished in journey time!
Yea that was how photography came to be photographery!

-Mohan Sanjeevan

1 comment:

  1. hmm..your photography really captures the beauty...nice photography dear
